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Following Yonder Star

“And behold the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, until it stopped where the child was”. Matthew 2:

DATE       Tuesday 1st December 2009

A Belfast children’s charity will visit the Gaza strip over Christmas bearing gifts for traumatised children.

Following in the steps of the three wise kings, Tuesday’s Child, will travel to the Holy Land, not with gold, frankincense and myrrh, but bearing gifts of a pair of shoes, a toy and a hot lunch, for as many children as possible.

It is hoped, one year on from the horrors of Operation Cast Lead, when white phosphorus not twinkling stars lit up the bright sky, the charity visit will shine His perfect light into the darkness of the lives of children incarcerated in the strip.

Tuesday’s Child is asking people across Northern Ireland to support their journey and donate £10 to cover the cost of three gifts and bring a smile to the face of a child, a child who has experienced terror far beyond our worst nightmares. Alternatively, those who cannot spare £10 may still support the appeal, if they wish, by purchasing one of the three individual gifts, a hot lunch at £3, a pair of shoes at £4 or a toy at £3.

Almost twelve months on from the most horrific of wars, children in Gaza continue to live in the rubble, hungry and in despair, while the world looks on seemingly indifferent to their suffering. It is shocking that 875,000 children remain imprisoned in a strip of land just one eighth of the size of County Antrim, in the most inhumane conditions. Thousands of children are homeless, hungry and traumatised. Thousands of children are malnourished and many are ill from the raw sewage contaminating the area. All are terrified by the deaths of innocent children in random incursions and no child can understand why the world doesn’t care. The grim existence of their little lives, could not be further removed from what Christmas should be for a child”, said Tuesday’s Child founder Orla Sheehan. “It is hard to believe that while the Christian world prepares to celebrate the meaning of Christmas, sing carols and indulge in the festive season, the collective punishment of so many children, only one hour west of Bethlehem, is allowed to continue. We hope the three gifts we will bring to each of many children in Gaza this Christmas will bring a little joy to their world”.

Three wise pupils from St Joseph’s Primary School in Lisburn, gave Tuesday’s Child a helping hand to launch the following yonder star project. “We are delighted to help launch this brilliant campaign in this the first week of advent”, said St Joseph’s Principal Mrs, Maria Gough. “St Joseph’s are pleased to donate a cheque for £200 towards the purchase of three gifts for 20 children. We hope other schools will support Tuesday’s Child in bringing the true message of Christmas, to these suffering children so traumatised by war and injustice”, she said.

People wishing to support the campaign may donate online at www.tuesdayschild.org.uk or over- the-counter at any branch of Ulster Bank to Tuesday’s Child, a/c 10091094 s/c 980015 or post their payment to the charity address at Tuesday’s Child, 74 North Parade, Belfast, BT7 2GJ. Tuesday’s Child gives 100 percent of everything it receives. Donors are also encouraged to leave a message for children in Gaza in the Christmas book of prayer on the charity website.

 “We will be giving three gifts to each child not only with our love but also our prayers for peace. Our Christmas wish is that the Star of Bethlehem will shine its wondrous light into the hearts and minds of those capable of bringing an end to this cruel siege of children. And that the Infant Child will bless all the dear children in His tender care, in both Palestine and Israel, with His gift of peace” said Tuesday’s Child.

Tuesday’s Child will also distribute single gifts to the same value to children living in nearby Sderot, also traumatised by war and to children with disabilities in Jerusalem. Ultimately, the hope is that Muslim, Christian and Jewish children in God’s beloved Middle East will benefit from the initiative.

For further details please contact Orla Sheehan on 07545 452362 or email orla@tuesdayschild.org.uk

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